Fgo Cirno. As a fairy, she is exceptionally strong for her kind, matching the power of some weak youkai. Her personality is childish and she is sometimes considered idiotic by other characters.
As a fairy, she is exceptionally strong for her kind, matching the power of some weak youkai. In exchange for said gains, it becomes easy for the enemy's attention to be focused on Mandricardo. Instinct is just super trash regardless, TBQH.
These resources were the final battle preparation bingo page, and more notably the Command Card breakdown page, which detailed every servants expected damage, NP generation, and crit star production on every possible command card.
As a fairy, she is exceptionally strong for her kind, matching the power of some weak youkai.
Come join the hundreds of … Profile Edit Identity Edit. Anne Bonny/Mary Read is an interesting duo. She stars as the main. ** READ ME PLZ ^__^ ↓↓ ** Cirno shaking to Cranky's Libera Me ♪ **** It was alot of work to make this one, but i honestly think the combination of Cirno and this stage is amazing!