Fate Grand Order Director. He has mentioned that his tutor was Toole, who among other. Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Battlefront: Babylonia (Japanese: Fate/Grand Order -絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア-, Hepburn: Feito/Gurando Ōdā -Zettai Majuu Sensen Babironia) is a Japanese fantasy anime series produced by CloverWorks.

Olga Marie Asmleit Animusphere (オルガマリー・アースミレイト・アニムスフィア, Oruga Marī Āsumireito Animusufia), also known as Olgamally Animusphere, is a character involved with the Grand Order conflicts of Fate/Grand Order.
As a Master, the player can interact with Saber during scripted story, combat and light fan service scenes.
The game was later retitled Fate/Grand Order VR feat. It features the original team of Masters gathered by Chaldea, the A-team. Marisbury Animusphere was the founder of Chaldea.